<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=GBK" %><%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*"%><%@ page import="java.util.*" %><%@ page import="java.text.*"%><%@ page import="java.util.Date"%><%Connection con = null;try{ request.setCharacterEncoding("GBK"); String dbUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"; String theUser = "orcl"; String thePw = "orcl"; Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver").newInstance(); con = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, theUser, thePw); String querySql = ""; Statement cn = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = null; String DBUserName = ""; rs = cn.executeQuery("select user from dual"); if(rs.next()){ DBUserName = rs.getString(1); } rs.close(); %> Oracle数据库当前连接用户下的所有表结构、视图、索引 一、系统表结构 |
序号 | 表名称 | 注解 | <% int tableNum = 0; int tableSuffix = 0; querySql = "select count(*) from all_tab_comments t where t.owner='" + DBUserName + "' and t.table_type='TABLE'"; rs = cn.executeQuery(querySql); rs.next(); tableNum = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); String tableName[] = new String[tableNum]; String comments[] = new String[tableNum]; querySql = "select t.*, rownum from all_tab_comments t where t.owner='" + DBUserName + "' and t.table_type='TABLE' order by table_name"; rs = cn.executeQuery(querySql); while(rs.next()){ tableName[tableSuffix] = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); comments[tableSuffix] = rs.getString("COMMENTS");%> <%=rs.getString("rownum")%> | <%=tableName[tableSuffix]%> | <%=comments[tableSuffix]%> | <% tableSuffix++; } rs.close();%> |
二、用户表结构 |
<% for(int i=0;i <%=i+1%>、<%=tableName[i]%>(<%=comments[i]%>) |
序号 | 字段名称 | 字段类型(宽度) | 是否为空 | 注解 | | | <% querySql = "select t.column_name, t.COMMENTS, t1.data_type, t1.data_length, t1.nullable, rownum from all_col_comments t, all_tab_cols t1 where t.column_name = t1.column_name and t.table_name = t1.table_name and t1.owner='" + DBUserName + "' and t.owner = t1.owner and t.TABLE_NAME = '" + tableName[i] + "' order by t1.COLUMN_ID "; rs = cn.executeQuery(querySql); while(rs.next()){%> <%=rs.getString("rownum")%> | <%=rs.getString("column_name")%> | <%=rs.getString("data_type")%>(<%=rs.getString("data_length")%>) | <%=rs.getString("nullable")%> | <%=rs.getString("COMMENTS")%> | FALSE | FALSE | <% } rs.close();%> |
<% }%> 三、视图 |
序号 | 视图名称 | 注解 | <% querySql = "select t.*, rownum from all_tab_comments t where t.owner='" + DBUserName + "' and t.table_type='VIEW' order by rownum desc "; rs = cn.executeQuery(querySql); while(rs.next()){ %> <%=rs.getString("rownum")%> | <%=rs.getString("TABLE_NAME")%> | <%=rs.getString("COMMENTS")%> | <% } rs.close();%> |
四、索引 |
序号 | 索引名称 | 表名称 | <% querySql = "select t.*, rownum from all_indexes t where t.table_owner='" + DBUserName + "' order by rownum desc "; rs = cn.executeQuery(querySql); while(rs.next()){ %> <%=rs.getString("rownum")%> | <%=rs.getString("INDEX_NAME")%> | <%=rs.getString("TABLE_NAME")%> | <% } rs.close();%> |
<%}catch(Exception e){ out.print(e.getMessage());}finally{ con.close();}%>